Mary ranks high in authorship survey

The Shakespeare Authorship Coalition, of which I am a board member, recently hired NORC to conduct a survey of the general population with regard to the Shakespeare Authorship Question. Seventy percent of the respondents had never heard of the question, of course. But of those who were interested and had some knowledge, a question was posed at the end asking which candidate they felt was most likely to have written the works.

Most respondents chose William Shakespeare, but of the other candidates in the list, I was tickled to see that Mary Sidney had TWICE as many votes than Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford! As Jenny says, “It reminds us that the loudest voices do not always represent the majority opinion!” La!

This might be Mary’s year to become much more widely known as author, this year, 2023, which is the 400th anniversary of her publication of the First Folio. ;-)